I’m a big fan of fiction genres like sci-fi and fantasy. My dream is to work on creating this fascinating world and become a part of it. Movies, games and books often inspire me and are also a great way to relax in my free time.
I have been close to art since I was a child. Most of all, I loved drawing and decided to devote myself to it wholeheartedly.
Over time, I worked on various projects. One of the most extensive was a collaboration with Giftio, for whom I worked as the main illustrator and together we created 15 large format scratch maps and other products.
Gradually, I started to shift my goals towards game concepts and so looked for new projects.

Character concept artist- Creating characters and overall illustrations for the classic RPG Untold Destiny for Everae Ltd.
Lead illustrator – Giftio s.r.o. – 15 successful illustrations for scratch-off map backgrounds and other new projects.
Concept artist and 3D modeler.
Universe Island LLC – Concepts and 3D character and environment modeling.